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- /* DataMunging.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- /* Make a copy of the supplied Ptr. If there is not enough memory to copy */
- /* the Ptr, NIL is returned. */
- char* CopyPtr(char* ThePtr)
- {
- char* Dup;
- long Size;
- Size = PtrSize(ThePtr);
- Dup = AllocPtrCanFail(Size,"CopyPtr");
- if (Dup != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(ThePtr,Dup,Size);
- }
- return Dup;
- }
- /* return the length of a null-terminated string */
- long StrLen(char* String)
- {
- long Scan;
- Scan = 0;
- while (String[Scan] != 0)
- {
- Scan += 1;
- }
- return Scan;
- }
- /* make a new copy of the Ptr containing a null-terminated string. The */
- /* returned Ptr will NOT contain a null at the end. Returns NIL if the */
- /* routine failed */
- char* StringToBlockCopy(char* String)
- {
- long Index;
- char* Block;
- Index = StrLen(String);
- Block = AllocPtrCanFail(Index,"StringToBlockCopy");
- if (Block != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(String,Block,Index);
- }
- return Block;
- }
- /* Make a copy of the specified block Ptr, appending a null to the end */
- /* to make it into a null-terminated string. Returns NIL if it failed */
- char* BlockToStringCopy(char* Block)
- {
- long Index;
- char* String;
- Index = PtrSize(Block);
- String = AllocPtrCanFail(Index + 1,"BlockToStringCopy");
- if (String != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(Block,String,Index);
- String[Index] = 0;
- }
- return String;
- }
- /* allocate a block and copy the raw data to it. Returns NIL if it failed. */
- char* BlockFromRaw(char* Data, long Length)
- {
- char* Stuff;
- Stuff = AllocPtrCanFail(Length,"BlockFromRaw");
- if (Stuff != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(Data,Stuff,Length);
- }
- return Stuff;
- }
- /* allocate a block and copy the null-terminated string (including the null) */
- /* to it. Returns NIL if the routine failed. */
- char* StringFromRaw(char* Data)
- {
- char* Stuff;
- long Length;
- Length = StrLen(Data);
- Stuff = AllocPtrCanFail(Length + 1,"StringFromRaw");
- if (Stuff != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(Data,Stuff,Length);
- Stuff[Length] = 0;
- }
- return Stuff;
- }
- /* allocate a copy of the specified Ptr, appending the character at the end */
- /* returns NIL if the routine failed */
- char* AppendCharToBlockCopy(char* ThePtr, char TheChar)
- {
- long Index;
- char* Copy;
- Index = PtrSize(ThePtr);
- Copy = AllocPtrCanFail(Index + 1,"AppendCharToBlockCopy");
- if (Copy != NIL)
- {
- CopyData(ThePtr,Copy,Index);
- Copy[Index] = TheChar;
- }
- return Copy;
- }
- /* compare memory ranges and return True if they are equal or False if not. */
- MyBoolean MemEqu(char* Left, char* Right, long NumBytes)
- {
- ERROR(NumBytes < 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,"MemEqu: Comparison of negative bytes"));
- while (NumBytes > 0)
- {
- if (Left[0] != Right[0])
- {
- return False; /* not equal */
- }
- Left += 1;
- Right += 1;
- NumBytes -= 1;
- }
- return True; /* no differences found, must be the same */
- }
- /* compare memory ranges, but treat uppercase and lowercase letters as equal */
- MyBoolean MemEquNoCase(char* First, char* Second, long NumBytes)
- {
- ERROR(NumBytes < 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,"MemEquNoCase: negative number of bytes"));
- while (NumBytes > 0)
- {
- char F,S;
- F = First[0];
- S = Second[0];
- if ((F >= 'A') && (F <= 'Z'))
- {
- F = F - 'A' + 'a';
- }
- if ((S >= 'A') && (S <= 'Z'))
- {
- S = S - 'A' + 'a';
- }
- if (F != S)
- {
- return False; /* not equal */
- }
- First += 1;
- Second += 1;
- NumBytes -= 1;
- }
- return True; /* no differences found, must be the same */
- }
- /* return true if the null terminated strings are equal, or false if not */
- MyBoolean StrEqu(char* Left, char* Right)
- {
- LoopPoint:
- if (*Left == 0)
- {
- return (*Right == 0);
- }
- if (*Right == 0)
- {
- return False;
- }
- if (*Left != *Right)
- {
- return False;
- }
- Left += 1;
- Right += 1;
- goto LoopPoint;
- }
- /* insert the specified block of raw data into the Ptr and return the new copy */
- /* returns NIL if the routine failed */
- char* InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy(char* Block, char* NewData,
- long Where, long Length)
- {
- long BlockLen;
- char* Copy;
- BlockLen = PtrSize(Block);
- Copy = AllocPtrCanFail(BlockLen + Length,"InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy");
- if (Copy != NIL)
- {
- /* copy first part (before insertion) of data over */
- PRNGCHK(Block,&(Block[0]),Where);
- PRNGCHK(Copy,&(Copy[0]),Where);
- CopyData(&(Block[0]),&(Copy[0]),Where);
- /* copy new data over */
- PRNGCHK(Copy,&(Copy[Where]),Length);
- CopyData(NewData,&(Copy[Where]),Length);
- /* copy rest (after insertion) of data over */
- PRNGCHK(Block,&(Block[Where]),BlockLen - Where);
- PRNGCHK(Copy,&(Copy[Where + Length]),BlockLen - Where);
- CopyData(&(Block[Where]),&(Copy[Where + Length]),BlockLen - Where);
- }
- return Copy;
- }
- /* remove the specified area from the Ptr and return the copy or NIL if it failed */
- char* RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy(char* Block, long Where, long Length)
- {
- long BlockLen;
- char* Copy;
- BlockLen = PtrSize(Block);
- ERROR((Where < 0) || (Where > PtrSize(Block)) || (Length < 0)
- || (Length + Where > PtrSize(Block)),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy: Block specifier out of range"));
- Copy = AllocPtrCanFail(BlockLen - Length,"RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy");
- if (Copy != NIL)
- {
- PRNGCHK(Copy,&(Copy[0]),Where);
- CopyData(&(Block[0]),&(Copy[0]),Where);
- PRNGCHK(Copy,&(Copy[Where]),BlockLen - Where - Length);
- CopyData(&(Block[Where + Length]),&(Copy[Where]),
- BlockLen - Where - Length);
- }
- return Copy;
- }
- /* identical to InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy but allows element size to be specified */
- char* InsertEntryIntoArrayCopy(char* Array, char* NewEntry,
- long Where, long ElementSize)
- {
- ERROR((PtrSize(Array) % ElementSize) != 0,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"InsertEntryIntoArray: array contains an incomplete object"));
- return InsertBlockIntoBlockCopy(Array,NewEntry,Where * ElementSize,ElementSize);
- }
- /* Identical to RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy but allows element size to be specified */
- char* RemoveEntryFromArrayCopy(char* Array, long EntryIndex, long ElementSize)
- {
- ERROR((PtrSize(Array) % ElementSize) != 0,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"RemoveEntryFromArray: array contains an incomplete object"));
- return RemoveBlockFromBlockCopy(Array,EntryIndex * ElementSize,ElementSize);
- }
- /* search for the first occurrence of Key in Block and replace the data with */
- /* Replacement, returning a copy of the data or NIL if it failed */
- char* ReplaceBlockCopy(char* Block, char* Key, char* Replacement)
- {
- long Scan;
- long KeySize;
- long BlockSize;
- long ReplacementSize;
- KeySize = PtrSize(Key);
- BlockSize = PtrSize(Block);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan <= BlockSize - KeySize; Scan += 1)
- {
- if (MemEqu(&(Block[Scan]),Key,KeySize))
- {
- char* Temp;
- /* here we found a replacement */
- ReplacementSize = PtrSize(Replacement);
- Temp = AllocPtrCanFail(BlockSize - KeySize
- + ReplacementSize,"ReplaceBlock");
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- /* copying over preceding characters */
- PRNGCHK(Temp,&(Temp[0]),Scan);
- CopyData(&(Block[0]),&(Temp[0]),Scan);
- /* copying over replacement */
- PRNGCHK(Temp,&(Temp[Scan]),ReplacementSize);
- CopyData(Replacement,&(Temp[Scan]),ReplacementSize);
- /* copying over remainder */
- PRNGCHK(Temp,&(Temp[Scan + ReplacementSize]),
- BlockSize - KeySize - Scan);
- CopyData(&(Block[Scan + KeySize]),
- &(Temp[Scan + ReplacementSize]),
- BlockSize - KeySize - Scan);
- }
- return Temp;
- }
- }
- /* we return a new copy if we could replace. Since we always have to return */
- /* a copy, we make a copy here */
- return CopyPtr(Block);
- }
- /* concatenate two blocks, returning the new block or NIL if it failed */
- char* ConcatBlockCopy(char* Left, char* Right)
- {
- long TotalSize;
- char* Accumulator;
- long LeftSize;
- long RightSize;
- LeftSize = PtrSize(Left);
- RightSize = PtrSize(Right);
- TotalSize = LeftSize + RightSize;
- Accumulator = AllocPtrCanFail(TotalSize,"ConcatBlock");
- if (Accumulator != NIL)
- {
- PRNGCHK(Accumulator,Accumulator,LeftSize);
- CopyData(Left,Accumulator,LeftSize);
- PRNGCHK(Accumulator,&(Accumulator[LeftSize]),RightSize);
- CopyData(Right,&(Accumulator[LeftSize]),RightSize);
- }
- return Accumulator;
- }
- /* return a middle section of the block or NIL if it failed */
- char* MidBlockCopy(char* Block, long Start, long NumChars)
- {
- long TotalLength;
- char* New;
- if (Start < 0)
- {
- NumChars = NumChars - (-Start);
- Start = 0;
- }
- if (NumChars < 0)
- {
- NumChars = 0;
- }
- TotalLength = PtrSize(Block);
- if (Start >= TotalLength)
- {
- /* degenerate result */
- NumChars = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (TotalLength - Start < NumChars)
- {
- NumChars = TotalLength - Start;
- }
- }
- New = AllocPtrCanFail(NumChars,"MidBlock");
- if (New != NIL)
- {
- PRNGCHK(New,New,NumChars);
- CopyData(&(Block[Start]),New,NumChars);
- }
- return New;
- }
- /* return a block from which a section has been stripped, or NIL if it failed. */
- char* ReduceBlockCopy(char* Block, long Start, long NumChars)
- {
- long TotalLength;
- char* Result;
- if (Start < 0)
- {
- NumChars = NumChars - (-Start);
- Start = 0;
- }
- if (NumChars < 0)
- {
- NumChars = 0;
- }
- TotalLength = PtrSize(Block);
- if (Start >= TotalLength)
- {
- return Block;
- }
- if (TotalLength - Start < NumChars)
- {
- NumChars = TotalLength - Start;
- }
- Result = AllocPtrCanFail(TotalLength - NumChars,"ReduceBlock");
- if (Result != NIL)
- {
- PRNGCHK(Result,Result,Start);
- CopyData(Block,Result,Start); /* perform leading copy */
- PRNGCHK(Result,&(Result[Start]),TotalLength - NumChars - Start);
- CopyData(&(Block[Start + NumChars]),&(Result[Start]),
- TotalLength - NumChars - Start);
- }
- return Result;
- }